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This legendary brand is consistently highly rated. The Padrón family legacy dates back more than 100 years to their roots in Cuba. Jorge Padrón arrived in Cuba in 1964. He started with nothing but a dream and a small hammer gifted to him. He turned his dream into a legend. Over the years, Padrón has cemented its place in cigar history as one of the most well recognized and consistently high-quality cigars on the market.
Working as a lawyer in early 1990s Los Angeles, Rocky was introduced to premium cigars by a friend. He was instantly fascinated and took a chance when approached about an opportunity to start a cigar company. As a small boutique brand, Rocky knew that he would have to do something different from the rest of the crowd to stand out. That’s exactly what he did. Through years of tireless effort, Rocky Patel has managed to outlast most other boutique brands to grow into a household name in the premium cigar world.
Cohiba cigars are known around the world among veteran connoisseurs as well as cigar novices just dipping their toes into the cigar world. Handcrafted from premium Dominican tobaccos, Cohiba presents a great opportunity to acquaint yourself with a famous brand. A nice variety of strengths and formats make up the Cohiba portfolio and these highly-rated cigars will leave you impressed.
The eponymous Arturo Fuente founded the brand in 1912. Arturo and his sons rolled cigars on their back porch and sold them locally. In 1956, Carlos bought the company for $1 with a dream of becoming a globally recognized powerhouse. Since then, Arturo Fuente has grown into a legendary brand with a cult following.
My Father cigars are caringly blended under the legendary Jose “Pepin” Garcia. Known for their creative blends and a depth of consistent, yet diverse cigars, My Father has grown over the years into a fan favorite. Their cigars are consistently highly rated each year and frequently win awards for cigar of the year.
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Cigar Haven Memberships
Stop by Cigar Haven today, get your membership, and start enjoying all the perks!
Cigar Haven is now selling memberships for all our patrons. Each membership includes a private locker and a 10% discount on all cigar purchases (excluding rare/hard-to-get cigars e.g. Opus X, Andalusian Bull, etc.). Memberships are only $200/year and begin January 1, 2023, and last throughout the whole year. For those that want to take advantage of a private locker and 10% discount now, we’ll prorate the remainder of this year until the renewal date of January 1, 2023. So if you bought a membership tomorrow, it would be $50 for the rest of the year and then $200 on January 1, 2023, for the entire year!
See you soon and stay smoky!